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  • Who do you work with?
    I work with women just like you who have a strong desire to eat healthier, gain control over their schedule, and are looking for balance in their busy lives. We would be a great client/coaching fit if you are: Looking to eliminate stress in your day-to-day routine. Feeling pulled in different directions because of what your family wants to eat. Feeling anxious over not knowing what to make for dinner. Want to finally gain control of a meal planning routine. Want to show up as a better version of yourself for both you and your family.
  • How Are You Different From Other Health + Wellness Coaches?
    Although we will occasionally touch upon weight loss and/or management, you have me as your personal meal planning coach and cheerleader. I work on the inner and outer principles for success and look at your overall health and personal goals from a holistic and spiritual perspective. What that means to you is that you get an authentic health and wellness coach who will also help you see how your personal energy is an extension of your daily routine and stress. I am also very spiritual and at the same time always advocating for a super practical, simple, sensible, and sustainable lifestyle. Because I don’t tiptoe or fuss with too many pleasantries that fill empty space, you’ll always get a straight-to-the-point, quick, and honest response from me. I’M CONCERNED WITH HOW TO LESSEN YOUR STRESS, AND HOW TO DEVELOP YOUR OWN LIFELONG SKILLS TO COMBINE NUTRITION WITH WELLNESS. You may not like what I have to tell you – but you can be sure I will always tell you the truth. The truth about what’s standing in the way of your success and how to get rid of it FAST so you can start getting results in record time (and I throw in a healthy dose of humor, life experience, and inspiration, which always helps!)
  • What Can I Expect From 1:1 Coaching?
    Defining your health goals - What are you looking to achieve through developing a consistent day-to-day routine? Clarity - Why do you want to feel like yourself again? What would be different for you? Holistic Nutrition Guidance - Together we will look at and evaluate you and your family's current eating habits, and adjust based on your goals. Time Management - Spend time developing time management skills and strategies to use day to day, as well as creating confidence in the kitchen. Fill your kitchen and pantry with the necessary items in order to be prepared and achieve your desired success. Honor you! In order to change your life and your routine, you need to create space for yourself. YOU CAN EXPECT TO: Let go of your stress. Create new health standards for yourself. Discover yourself and set goals to reach them. Feel like yourself again. Feel empowered and excited about the future. Learn how to say NO and honor your yes and no’s. Watch your best life unfold with ease. Raise your self-esteem and self-confidence. Gain unshakeable confidence in yourself. Learn time-saving techniques that will dramatically cut down your learning curve. Feel anxiety dissipate and peace and calm set in. Fall back in love with yourself. Rewrite your story.
  • How Quickly Can I Expect Results?
    That depends on how quickly you can make those inner shifts. Some clients are ready to go and develop their system in a very short time frame, sometimes even a few weeks while others have a bit more work to do first. It also depends on how much work you are willing to put in from the beginning.
  • What Program Should I Start With?
    That depends on where you're at with your knowledge and confidence in the kitchen! Beginner: A great place to start is always my Kitchen Confidence Program (Tier Three). It gives you all the tools you'll need to get set up for success in the kitchen and learn some baseline skills; as well as get 1:1 Coaching with me! Intermediate: The Freezer Meals Collection is one of my signature offers for the intermediate cook. It's a great way to meal prep a TON of food for you and your family. You can either sign up for the LIVE class in the events, or you can subscribe to my video replays and get access to all the recordings and the recipes + eBooks. Expert: If you know you LOVE food, and have the basics down, but are looking for a more in-depth program to expand your pallet and use spices or recipes that you've never used before, then Flavor University is where you'll thrive!
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